



注意事項 雙語例句

1、結果 用藥諮詢人數最多是老人和兒童患者,分別佔就診人數的 38 86 %和34 6 2 %。用藥諮詢內容最多的是藥物作用與用途,佔 2 7 2 5 %;其次是藥價,佔 2 1 72 %;使用注意事項諮詢排列第 3位,佔

METHODS Collect since 2001 of my hospital the outpatient is relevant to consult with the medicine data, synthesize the classification, cent set statistice.

2、 接下來的化妝環節中,文化交流部的化妝師董靜遠通過為現場 model 一步步地上妝,示範了化妝的詳細過程,並在示範過程中講解了許多化妝的技巧和注意事項。

Make-up is the next session, the Department of the cultural make-up artist Jing Dong Yuan, through a step-by-step makeup for the model on the ground and the make-up demonstration of the process in detail. And make us attention the course of demonstrations of make-up skills.


One of the Notes can not be ignored, here we will provide you a brief introduction of laser to the attention of freckle Matters bar!


The structural design, the working method and know-how, the monitoring volume for the temporary road system are discussed.


I would like to explain the preparation for the operation.


The second section is general instructions on how to use the learning platform - Blackboard.


We will go through some common things you can do to keep your WordPress installation secure.


Now I would like to say something about safety in traveling.


Makes an analysis of its turning processing technology and also makes an explanation on the usage and safety of fixture.



Student safety fire prevention regulation The school is one of the point unit of the fire fight safety.


This paper presents an overview of air drilling, characteristics, attention to safety issues and technical measures on air drilling design, it is very good and practical significance on-site operations.


This paper introduces the advantages of using the cold-rolled ribbed steel fibric in the construction of concrete deck paving of superhighway, and puts forward some items that should pay attention to in adopting this new technique.


For guaranting the centre of oscillating axle in oscilla tor head being coincident with the centre of hones arc surface and centre of raceway curvity, JFX series optical diopters are adopted for adjustment.


Finally, parameter setup and optimization have been put forward, as well as precautions of applying the 6RA70all-digital DC speeder in press.


Caution: 1、The product is preferred not to be operated in the circumstances of dew, oil, organic solvent and corrosi


Notes to attention: when adjust colorful transparent groove, test is needed to determine use it or not use it as obvious shrinkage may encountered at spiculate margin caused by the fuscous.


Procedure and other requirements of pipe rack layout and its piping design in refineries.


In this thesis, we mainly discuss the fabrication and performance of the high-speed Wavelength Division Multiplexing optical transceiver, besides, under consideration still discusses high-speed board designs and related point for attention.


Excavation and gathering of fossils on field are the elements in paleontologic investigation, the unearthed processes of various vertebrate fossils are recommended and then these general procedures, technical essentials, instrumentation, personnel organization and awareness proceeding of this work are expounded in this article.


The system debugging and cautions in debug procedure are introduced in detail in the paper at last. Aiming at insufficience in design, some improvement suggestions are proposed.


Please advise me on the most suitable colour print film and some dos and donts.


I pointed out several mistakes and carefully repeated my original instruction; that is to say, I told him I was not at all pleased with his work.


Observe the following dos and donts.


A few remarks must finally be made concerning the calibration of scintillation detectors.


Master the differentiation , diagnosis and cautions of Infantile Enuresis and Infantile Malnutrition.


Note: Decrease hysteresis of the coupling as far as possible.

注意事項: 連軸器儘量減小回差。

What notification will you give before introducing lead free products?


Storage conditions: Keep under cool, ventilated and dry place.

貯存注意事項: 應放於陰涼 、 通風、乾燥處。

注意事項是什麼 第2張

Notice: People with sensitive skin should stop using it when feeling uncomfortable.

注意事項: 面板敏感者如有不適請暫停使用。

Look, under the warning section, Itsays this hairspray is flammable.

你看, 在注意事項中說,這瓶噴發露是易燃品。

There are also some additional performance considerations for a multi - monitor configuration.

對於 多顯示器 配置,還有其他一些效能注意事項。

Some questions and precautions on fault detecting are put forward.


The mechanical sand - bailing technology makes sand - washing operation more efficient.


Explanation of any points for attention in filling out an insurance application.


Differentiation , diagnosis and cautions of Scapulohumeral Periarthritis and Elbow Sprain.


